Pharaoh Shishak’s Stele Uncovered at Megiddo (Armageddon)
Dating to about 925 BCE, a 15-inch stone fragment was discovered at Megiddo that reads, “Amun’s beloved, Shishak [I].
”The stele fragment confirms Shishak’s encounter with Israel and Judea that is detailed and cross-referenced on the inscription at the Temple of Amun in Karnak.
Shishak Stele piece
University of Chicago Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
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Dating to about 925 BCE, this 15-inch stone fragment discovered at Megiddo reads, “Amun’s beloved, Shishak [I].”
The stele fragment confirms Shishak’s encounter with Israel and Judea which is detailed on the inscription at the Temple of Amun in Karnak.