Our site showcases Jewish history, presence and ties to the Land of Israel for over 3,500 years.
Our goal is to cover a wide range of archaeology and historical documentation related to the people of Israel in the Land of Israel over millennia. We believe, at present, this site is unique in showing the “bigger picture,” serving as both Education and Advocacy.

The site is divided into 3 sections:
2000 BCE to 1 BCE
1 CE to 1800s
1800s to Present Day

“We must learn once more to avow our ancestry and our history; we must once more take upon ourselves as a nation, cultural tasks of a kind calculated to strengthen our feeling of solidarity. It is not sufficient for us to take part as individuals in the cultural work of mankind: we must also set our hands to some work, which can serve the ends of our corporate national existence. In this way and in this way only can the Jewish people regain its health. ”
However, Jewish presence in the Land for over 3,500 years is confirmed, ironically, by our ancient enemies, written in clay and stone, and exhibited in prominent museums in Cairo, Berlin, Paris, Istanbul, London, Baghdad, Jerusalem and more.

“Only a people who lives in its own land will be able to know, understand and discover its hidden treasures.”

Bel Ange
TCI (Translation Center Israel, Ltd)
Special Thanks
Rabbi Shmuel and Atara Wolfman - Sofer Stam (Torah Scribe), and Ezra Tsveifel - advisors on the Russian pages
Voice Recording
Tamir Kreisman
Studio 21