1000 - 900 BCE

King Solomon
The Gezer Tablet and Ecclesiastes, Proof of King Hiram, Jeroboam and Idolatry, Pharaoh Shishak and King Solomon's Gold and more.
As the reign of King David came to an end, his son Solomon was appointed king in his stead. Solomon was deeply aware of the great responsibility that befell him. In a heartfelt prayer to G-d, Solomon did not ask for power or wealth, but for wisdom and knowledge to lead G-d's great nation.
Not only did G-d grant him wisdom, but Solomon became the wisest man to have ever lived. Due to his noble and humble request, he was also granted wealth, prosperity, and the expansion of the Kingdom beyond anyone before or after him. His kingship was known throughout the four corners of the ancient world and many kings, queens, and dignitaries travelled from far and wide to meet him.
King Solomon, famously known for his wise judgments, sharp intuition, and discernment, left a rich legacy of wisdom and guidance in writings like the Book of Proverbs and the Songs of Solomon that are still relevant and applicable today. Even the very pensive Book of Ecclesiastes is ascribed to King Solomon.