600 - 500 BCE

The Prophet Jeremiah, the Babylonians and Cyrus the Great
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacks Jerusalem, Clay Tablets and Ostraca recording Israel's story: King Jehoiachin, King Zedekiah, the Edomites, Nebo-Sarsekim, Baalis - King of Ammon, Seal Impressions of Jeremiah's conspirators, Jeremiah in Egypt, Ezekiel at the Chebar River and Tel-Abib (Babylon), Jewish Life in Babylon, the Cyrus Edict, the Return to Zion, Ezra and the Temple Rebuilt
After the death of King Josiah in 609 BCE, the succeeding Judaean kings, Jehiokim, Jehoachin and Zedekiah, led their citizens into idolatry. The Lord, speaking through Jeremiah says, "return to me, or I will send my servant Nebuchadnezzar against you." (Jeremiah 25:9)The people did not repent and the Babylonians led a 20-year war against the Judeans, resulting in waves of expulsion to Babylonia and ultimately, the Destruction of the Temple of Solomon in 586 BCE.