Response with permission from the Persian governor of Judea, Bagohi, to rebuild the Temple in Elephantine

after 407 BCE

In response to the request to rebuild the Temple in Elephantine, Bagohi, the Persian governor of Judea replied with favor to the community. His reply can be viewed on the Elephantine Temple Papyrus #4:"Bagohi says: The Altar-house of G-d in Elephantine the fortress may be built as was formerly before Cambyses which Vidranga demolished in the 14th year of Darius the king. Let the meal-offering and the incense they shall offer upon that altar be just as formerly was done."Some speculate that the Jewish Temple was destroyed around the year 390 BCE.

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Elephantine Temple Papyrus #4

"Bagohi [Governor of Judea] says:The Altar-house of the G-d (i.e. of the Jews) in Elephantine the fortress may be built as was formerly before Cambyses which Vidranga demolished in the 14th year of Darius the king (410 BCE).  Let meal-offering and the incense they shall offer upon that altar just as formerly was done.

"Some speculate that the Jewish Temple was destroyed about the year 390 BCE.

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