
Let’s look at a timeline highlighting King David’s life:

1040 BCE  David is born in the town of Bethlehem.

1035 BCE  Saul begins his reign as King of Israel.

1025 BCE  David slays Goliath, the Philistine.

1020 BCE  King Saul attempts to assassinate David.

1010 BCE  King Saul dies. David becomes King.

1004 BCE  King David captures the Fortress of Zion in Jerusalem, establishes Jerusalem as the capital of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.

970 BCE  King David dies.

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circa 1040 BCE  David is born in the town of Bethlehem.

circa 1035 BCE  Saul begins his reign as King of Israel.

circa 1025 BCE  David slays Goliath, the Philistine.

circa 1020 BCE  King Saul attempts to assassinate David.

circa 1010 BCE  King Saul dies. David becomes King.

circa 1004 BCE  King David captures the Fortress Zion in Jerusalem, establishes Jerusalem as the capital of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem

circa  970 BCE  King David dies.

Dans la Bible

Leçons de vie



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