The Philistines and the Collapse of the Bronze Age

1200 BCE

One of the oldest and most relentless enemies of Israel throughout the Books of Judges and Samuel was the Philistines who lived on the western coastal planes.  They are also mentioned by the prophet Amos:

“Have I not brought Israel up from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor [Crete]…”

– Amos 9:7

The Philistines were seafaring people whose origins trace back to the area today known as Greece.

Widespread famine and earthquakes along the Greek Islands and the southern coast of Turkey caused the Sea Peoples to attack Egypt, the “breadbasket” of the Mediterranean around 1200 BCE

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Widespread famine and earthquakes along the Greek Islands and the southern coast of Turkey caused the Sea Peoples to attack Egypt, the “breadbasket” of the Mediterranean.

Dans la Bible

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