Ptolemy I Soter ("Savior") Enters Jerusalem on the Sabbath and Takes Jewish Captives to Alexandria, Egypt

320 BCE
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The Jews remained virtually autonomous, and outside influences—including Hellenism—were kept at bay. After Ptolemy took control of the region, Hellenistic influence increased.Greeks didn't understand the Jewish adherence to the Torah with values, rituals and restrictions that were far removed from Greek ideals. At first the Jews remained passive towards Greece's growing impatience with their religion. And so Ptolemy the 1st Soter, meaning “savior”, entered Jerusalem on a Sabbath and took Jewish captives to Alexandria, Egypt,  in 320 BCE.  

Josephus, Antiquities 12.1.1

“For as he (Ptolemy I) came into the city on a Sabbath day…without any trouble, gained the city: while the Jews did not oppose him…But when Ptolemy had taken a great many captives… he led them all into Egypt and settled them there."

Pictured is a golden coin with a depiction of Ptolemy I on it.

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Josephus, Antiquities 12.1.1

“For as he (Ptolemy I) came into the city on a Sabbath day,…without any trouble, gained the city: while the Jews did not oppose him…But when Ptolemy had taken a great many captives… he led them all into Egypt, and settled them there. …he distributed many of them into garrisons; and at Alexandria gave them equal privileges of citizens with the Macedonians…”

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