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This is the Timeline of King Solomon:

c. 982 BCE    Bathsheba gives birth to Solomon.

c. 970 BCE    David dies and Solomon becomes King.

c. 930 BCE    Solomon dies. His kingdom is divided into the House of Judah which consists of the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin under his son King Rehoboam, and the House of Israel under King Jeroboam (from the tribe of Ephraim), the remaining northern tribes that would ultimately be exiled during the Assyrian onslaught of the land and become known as the 10 lost Tribes.

c. 925 BCE   The Pharaoh Shoshenq (Shishak) invades Israel and raids the Temple of Solomon.

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Visión general

Circa 982 BCE    Bathsheba gives birth to Solomon.

Circa 970 BCE    David dies and Solomon becomes King.

Circa 930 BCE    Solomon dies. His kingdom is divided into the 10 “lost” tribes of Israel under King Jeroboam and the 2 Southern tribes of Judea and Benjamin under King Rehoboam.

Circa 925 BCE   The Pharaoh Shoshenq (Shishak) invades Israel and raids the Temple of Solomon.

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