1100 - 1000 AEC

Rey David

Evidencia física de la existencia del rey David, el sello de Belén, Kirbet Qeiyafa: David y Goliat, el nombre de Goliat sobre cerámica, la Ciudad de David: David conquista Sión.

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Jewish History now introduces us to one of the most beloved figures in the Bible, King David. The Bible describes him as follows:1 Sam 13:14��the L-rd has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the L-rd has appointed him to be a ruler over His people��With a difficult upbringing, David is assigned to be a lonely shepherd looking after his father�s flock. Through this however, he learns valuable lessons in caring for those in his fold. He further proves himself to be an excellent poet and musician writing most of the spiritually infused Psalms, still loved and read by millions around the world today, which merits him the title �the sweet singer of Israel� in 2 Sam 23:1.Protecting his precious flock from the bear and the lion, David becomes a fearless and mighty warrior in battle, forging a deep bond with G-d that ultimately merits him to become the first anointed king over the tribal confederation of Israel. This is his story:

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