
In this picture is the Jacob Scarab Seal, Circa 1730 BCE.Found near Haifa, Israel, and dating back to the 18th century BCE, this scarab that was probably used to seal papyrus scrolls or as a piece of jewellery—is thought to have belonged to a Canaanite king named Jacob.  ​

The hieroglyphs in the scarab spell out Y’qb-HR, the Egyptian transliteration of the Semitic Yaqub (Jacob) or Yaakov in Hebrew. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were considered kings and their sons’ princes by all the inhabitants of the land.

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Found near Haifa, Israel, and dating to the 18th century BCE, this scarab—probably used to seal papyrus scrolls or as a piece of jewelry—is thought to have belonged to a Canaanite king named Jacob. ​The hieroglyphs in the scarab spell out Y’qb-HR, the Egyptian transliteration of the Semitic Yaqub (Jacob).

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