Roman General Pompey the Great Captures Jerusalem

63 BCE
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When Pompey arrived with his garrisons in Jerusalem, the Jews resisted. He was able to take the upper city but it took him three months to reach and take the Temple compound.

Josephus, Antiquities, 14.4.4

For Pompey went into it (the Temple), ... and saw all that which it was unlawful for any other men to see, but only for the High Priests. There were in that temple the golden table (i.e. the Showbread table); the holy candlestick; and the pouring vessels; and a great quantity of spices (the incense): and besides these, there were among the treasures, two thousand talents of sacred money. Yet did Pompey touched nothing of all this; on account of his regard to religion; and in this point also he acted in a manner that was worthy of his virtue. The next day he gave order to those that had the charge of the temple to cleanse it, and to bring what offerings the law required to G-d and restored the High Priesthood to Hyrcanus.

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Josephus, Antiquities, 14.4.4

“​But when the battering engine was brought near, the greatest of the towers was shaken by it, and fell down; and brake down a part of the fortifications. So the enemy poured in apace...

Pompey went into it (the Temple).. and saw all that which it was unlawful for any other men to see, but only for the High Priests. There were in that temple the golden table (i.e. the Showbread table); the holy candlestick; and the pouring vessels; and a great quantity of spices: and besides these there were among the treasures, two thousand talents of sacred money.”

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