
Isaiah begins his prophecy as Tiglath-pileser III, also known as King Pul of Assyria wages war with Israel and Judah, in 745 BCE.

Isaiah 1:1

The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Click the link to view the Great Isaiah Scroll, one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran in 1947 by a shepherd boy, and purchased by the Israeli government in November of that year, the same month that the United Nations voted in favor of the creation of the State of Israel. It is the largest and most well-preserved of all the biblical scrolls and the only one that is almost complete. You can also virtually scroll and zoom into the ultra-high resolution digitized version of the Great Isaiah Scroll photographed by Ardon Bar-Hama for the Israel Museum courtesy of George Blumenthal and Google.

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Isaiah begins his prophecy as Tiglath-pileser III (Pul) of Assyria wages war with Israel and Judah, 745 BCE.

Dans la Bible

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