The Septuagint in the Codex Vaticanus, written in Israel

c. 325 CE

Pictured here is the Codex Vaticanus which was written in Israel, circa 325 BCE. It is one of the oldest versions (4th century CE) of the Bible in Greek, containing an almost complete copy of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. The manuscript has been housed in the Vatican Library, founded by Pope Nicholas V in 1448, for as long as it has been known, appearing in its earliest catalogue of 1475 and in the 1481 catalogue.Click on the button below to view the full digitization of the Codex Vaticanus photographed by Ardon Bar Hama, courtesy of George Blumenthal.

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The Codex Vaticanus is one of the oldest versions (4th century CE) of the Greek Bible, containing an almost complete copy of the Septuagint (a Jewish translation of the Bible into Greek). The manuscript has been housed in the Vatican Library (founded by Pope Nicholas V in 1448) for as long as it has been known, appearing in its earliest catalog of 1475 and in the 1481 catalogue.

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