The Septuagint in the Papyrus Fouad 266

1st Century BCE

In this picture is the Papyrus Fouad 266, discovered in Fayyum, Egypt in 1939; It is one of the oldest manuscripts of the Septuagint. 117 fragments have been found, including portions of Genesis and Deuteronomy.  

The writing uses the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, (Yud and Hey and Vav and Hey), for the name of the L-rd, marked here in red, in the midst of Greek. The Papyrus furthermore lines out synagogue rituals, the Triennial or 3-year cycle of the reading of the Torah, differing from the modern one-year cycle, and the benediction of the Kohanim or priests, as was commanded during the giving of the Torah at Mt Sinai.

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Discovered in Fayyum, Egypt in 1939, The Papyrus Fouad 266 is one of the oldest manuscripts of the Septuagint. 117 fragments have been found, including portions of Genesis and Deuteronomy. The writing uses the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, Y-H-V-H, for the name of the L-rd (pictured in red) in the midst of Greek.

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