Two Jewish Synagogues in Egypt

c. 140-116 BCE
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More proseuche or synagogue dedication inscriptions from Ancient Egypt have been discovered, dating between 140 - 116 BCE that of Xenephyris and Nitriai.

Proseuche Dedication from Xenephyris“

On behalf of King Ptolemy (VIII) and Queen Cleopatra (II) the sister and queen Cleopatra (III) the wife, the Jews of Xenephyris (dedicated) the gateway of the proseuche when Theodore and Achillion were presiding.

”Proseuche Dedication from Nitriai

“On behalf of King Ptolemy (VIII) and Queen Cleopatra (II) the sister and queen Cleopatra (III) the wife, Benefactors, the Jews in Nitriai (dedicated) the proseuche and its appurtenances.”

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From the Greek word meaning “prayer,” a proseuche is a synagogue or a place for Jews to pray. Several proseuche dedication inscriptions from Ancient Egypt have been discovered, including these, dating from c. 140-116 BCE.

Proseuche Dedication from Xenephyris

“On behalf of king Ptolemy (VIII) and queen Cleopatra (II) the sister and queen Cleopatra (III) the wife , the Jews of Xenephyris (dedicated) the gateway of the proseuche when Theodore and Achillion were presiding.”

Proseuche Dedication from Nitriai

“On behalf of a king Ptolemy (VIII) and queen Cleopatra (II) the sister and queen Cleopatra (III) the wife, Benefactors, the Jews in Nitriai (dedicated) the proseuche and its appurtenances.”

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