"The Balm of Gilead" Depicted on a 2,000 Year-Old Amethyst
The balsam tree, known as the "balm of Gilead" in the Bible, was used in the production of perfumes and said to be a favourite of Cleopatra's. In 2021, archaeologists discovered this depiction of a balsam tree carved into an amethyst gemstone from the Second Temple period in Jerusalem. Watch the video to learn more about the gemstone as well as the production of ancient balsam in Israel in the Jericho area.
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The balsam tree, known as the "balm of Gilead" in the Bible, was used in the production of perfumes, and said to be a favorite of Cleopatra's. In 2021, archaeologists discovered this depiction of a balsam tree carved into an amethyst gemstone from the Second Temple period in Jerusalem.