Herod the Great Amphora Fragment Found at Masada

19 BCE

Pictured here is an amphora fragment found in Masada, circa 19 BCE. An amphora is a tall ancient Greek or Roman jar with two handles and a narrow neck. At Masada, amphorae fragments were found that bore similar Latin inscriptions. The first line contained the date on which the amphora was shipped according to the Roman consular year; the second line indicated the type of wine and its origin; and the third line named the owner of the wine: "belonging to Herod King of Judea." It appears fine wines were purchased in Italy on Herod's behalf, and their jars were labelled with his name prior to their shipment to Judea, and distribution among his palaces.

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At Masada, amphorae fragments were found that bore similar Latin inscriptions. The first line contained the date on which the amphora was shipped according to the Roman consular year; the second line indicated the type of wine and its origin; and the third line named the owner of the wine: "belonging to Herod King of Judea." It appears fine wines were purchased in Italy on Herod's behalf and their jars were labeled with his name prior to their shipment to Judea and distribution among his palaces.

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