"It is better to be Herod's pig than his son."


With suspicion and paranoia festering under his charismatic character, Herod's psychological instability became unrestrained towards the end of his life. Roman historian Macrobius recounted that Augustus​ himself remarked "It is better to be Herod's pig than his son," because of the many family members that Herod had executed on suspicion of treason, including his sons Antipater, Alexander I, Aristobulus IV, and his beloved wife Mariamne I. Regaining clarity after his bouts of paranoiac rage, Herod became haunted by their murders.

Josephus, Antiquities 16.11.7

"As for Herod, if he had before any doubt about the slaughter of his sons, there was now no longer any room left in his soul for it. But he had banished away whatsoever might afford him the least suggestion of reasoning better about this matter."

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Josephus, Antiquities 16.11.7

"As for Herod, if he had before any doubt about the slaughter of his sons, there was now no longer any room left in his soul for it. But he had banished away whatsoever might afford him the least suggestion of reasoning better about this matter."

It is recounted by Roman historian Macrobius that Augustus​ remarked "It is better to be Herod's pig than his son," because of the many family members that Herod had executed on suspicion of treason, including sons Antipater, Alexander I, Aristobulus IV and wife Mariamne.

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