Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII

36 BCE

Covetous in nature, Cleopatra convinced an infatuated Antony to seize territory for her in Arabia and Judea, including the City of Jericho, where it was believed to be the only place where true balsam grew, the most precious drug of the ancient world. This territory previously belonged to Herod. She leased the land back to him for an annual rent of 200 talents.

Josephus, Wars, 1.18.5

“He (Antony) also took away a great deal of their (the Jews) country; nay, even the plantation of palm trees at Jericho (Qumran and Ein Gedi), where also grows the balsam tree, and bestowed them upon her (Cleopatra VII)…”

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Josephus, Wars, 1.18.5

“He (Antony) also took away a great deal of their (the Jews) country; nay, even the plantation of palm trees at Jericho (Qumran and Ein Gedi), where also grows the balsam tree, and bestowed them upon her (Cleopatra VII)…”

Cleopatra (left), wearing a jeweled headband, earring, necklace, and embroidered dress, Mark Antony on the right with the inscription: “Antony, with Armenia being conquered."

Dans la Bible

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