The Celebration of Purim in Jerusalem and Alexandria

78-79 BCE

The Jewish-Greek version of the Book of Esther was written in Hasmonean Jerusalem and added several elements to the original story. A colophon appended to the last chapter mentions King Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra V, as well as a man named Dositheus who brought the Greek rendition of the Book of Esther, referred to as the “Letter of Purim”, from Jerusalem to Alexandria in Egypt. It proves that Purim was still celebrated centuries later by Jews in Jerusalem.The Book of Esther is always written in the form of a small scroll; reminiscent of ancient official letters that were rolled up and placed in a protective cylindrical holder to be sent by messengers to their desired destination.

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The Book of Esther in the Septuagint contains a footnote by the scribe that referred to the Book as "The letter of Purim."

Colophon of the Greek Book of Esther:

“In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemy (XII Auletos) and Cleopatr a (V Tryphaina), Dositheus, who said he was a priest and Levite, and his son Ptolemy brought the present letter of Purim, saying that it was genuine and that Lysimachus, son of Ptolemy, of the community of Jerusalem, had translated it.”

Dans la Bible

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