Josephus Writes About the Beauty of Herod’s Temple


Herod's temple achieved fame and praise from around the ancient world. Even Titus, who destroyed the Temple, called it “the glory of human creation”.

Josephus, Antiquities, 15.11.5

“…and the wall of the front (of the Temple) was adorned with beams, resting upon pillars, that were interwoven into it: and that front was all of polished stone. Insomuch that its fineness, to such as had not seen it was incredible: and to such as had seen it was greatly amazing.”

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Josephus, Antiquities, 15.11.5

“…and the wall of the front (of the Temple) was adorned with beams, resting upon pillars, that were interwoven into it: and that front was all of polished stone. Insomuch that its fineness, to such as had not seen it was incredible: and to such as had seen it was greatly amazing.”  v

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