Mark Antony Establishes Herod “the Great” as Roman Client King of the Land of Israel

37 BCE

Herod, now appointed as the client King of Judea by Antony and the senate, asserted his power by promoting those in his party and brutally punishing those who opposed him.

Josephus, Antiquities 15.1.1

​"And since Herod had now the government of all Judea put into his hands, he promoted such of the private men in the city, as had been of his party; but never left off avenging and punishing, every day, those that had chosen to be of the party of his enemies."

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Josephus, Antiquities 15.1.1"And since Herod had now the government of all Judea put into his hands, he promoted such of the private men in the city, as had been of his party; but never left off avenging and punishing, every day, those that had chosen to be of the party of his enemies."

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