Jews Tried to Escape the Romans by Hiding in Underground Passages

70 CE
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While excavating the main road leading up to Temple Mount, archaeologists found broken sections, intentionally made, revealing the rain drainage tunnel beneath with pottery for food storage. Only after referring to Josephus did the archaeologists realize that about 2,000 Jews tried to hide and survive in the drainage tunnels. After a few weeks, the Romans got wind of it and killed those still alive.

Josephus, The Jewish War, 6.370-6.432

“The last hope… lay in the underground passages. They did not expect them to be searched if they took refuge in them, and they intended, after the complete capture of the city and the departure of the Romans, to come out and make good their escape. But this proved to be an idle dream… the victors instituted a search for those in the mines, tearing up the ground… many precious objects were found in these passages…”

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Josephus, The Jewish War, 6.370-6.432

“The last hope… lay in the underground passages. They did not expect them to be searched
if they took refuge in them, and they intended, after the complete capture of the city and the departure of the Romans, to come out and make good their escape. But this proved to be an idle dream… the victors instituted a search for those in the mines, tearing up the ground… many precious objects were found in these passages…”   

Sections of the Herodian Road were shattered by Roman soldiers in their search for Jews fleeing the destruction. Pottery for food storage was found in the underground passages.

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