
After the victory and restoration of the Temple, Judah undertook wars throughout the Land of Israel to eradicate paganism from the country and eliminate Hellenizing rivals. Judah was killed in the battle of Elasa against the Seleucids in 160 BCE. The Hasmonaeans now rallied around Jonathan, his brother. Jonathan turned his focus towards fortifying Jerusalem and cutting off the Greek garrison fortifying themselves in the Acra. Josephus, Antiquities 13.5.11“Jonathan gathered all the people together in the Temple and advised them to repair the walls of Jerusalem, … and, in addition, to build still another wall in the midst of the city to keep the garrison in the citadel (Acra) from reaching the city, and in this way cut off [the garrison’s] large supply of provisions.”  Pictured here are Hasmonean Sling Stones, Seleucid arrowheads, and sling bullets. The word "victory" is inscribed on one side of the sling bullet.

Seleucid sling bullets with the word "victory" is inscribed on one side of the sling bullet
Israel Antiquities Authority
Dafna Gazit

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Josephus, Antiquities 13.5.11

“Jonathan gathered all the people together in the Temple and advised them to repair the walls of Jerusalem, … and, in addition, to build still another wall in the midst of the city to keep the garrison in the citadel (Acra) from reaching the city, and in this way cut off [the garrison’s] large supply of provisions.”

Dans la Bible

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Seleucid sling bullets with the word "victory" is inscribed on one side of the sling bullet
Israel Antiquities Authority
Dafna Gazit

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