The Revolt of the Maccabees against the Seleucids

167 BCE

The religious oppression under the Greeks took a turn in 167 BCE, when the soldiers of Antiochus IV entered the city of Modi'in, 13 miles northwest of Jerusalem, and ordered Mattathias, a priest, to slay a pig on a pagan altar. Mattathias refused, overturning the altar and slaying the king’s general.

This began the 35-year-long Maccabean revolt of Mattathias and his five sons, Judah the Maccabee, Eleazar Avaran, Simon Thassi, John Gaddi, and Jonathan Apphus.

Mattathias’ son Judah’s nickname was Maccabee which means “the Hammer”. Some believe it referred to his ferocity in battle, others say the hammer was his weapon of choice. Maccabee is also the Jewish acronym for "Mi Kamocha Be'eilim Hashem" meaning "Who is like you among the powers, O G-d" which was used as a battle cry amongst the army ranks.

Josephus, Antiquities 12.6.2

“But when those that were appointed by the King (Antiochus IV) were come to Modin, that they might compel the Jews to do what they were commanded… But Mattathias said, “He would not do it: and that if all the other nations would obey the commands of Antiochus, either out of fear, or to please him; yet would not he nor his sons leave the religious worship of their country.”

1 Maccabees 2:27

And Mattathias cried throughout the city with a loud voice, saying, whosoever is zealous of the law, and maintains the covenant, let him follow me!

In this picture is the ancient site of the Tomb of the Maccabees, in Modi'in, Israel.

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In 167 BCE, the soldiers of Antiochus IV entered the city of Modin (13 miles northwest of Jerusalem) and ordered Mattathias, a priest, to slay a pig on a pagan altar. Mattathias refused, overturning the altar and slaying the king’s general.

This began the 35-year-long Maccabean revolt of Mattathias and his five sons, Judas Maccabeus (Judah Maccabee), Eleazar Avaran, Simon Thassi, John Gaddi and Jonathan Apphus.

Josephus, Antiquities 12.6.2

“But when those that were appointed by the King (Antiochus IV) were come to Modin, that they might compel the Jews to do what they were commanded… Mattathias (father of Judah Maccabee) said... not he nor his sons would leave the religious worship of their country.”

1 Maccabees 2:27

And Mattathias cried throughout the city with a loud voice, saying, whosoever is zealous of the law, and maintaineth the covenant, let him follow me.

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