Major Battles of the Maccabean Revolt in Judea

167 to 132 BCE

The Maccabean army was vastly outnumbered by the Greeks in number, equipment, and skill. At first, the Maccabean forces employed guerrilla tactics in the Judean countryside, but over the span of 30 years, the movement developed into a proper army capable of attacking the fortified Seleucid cities. The majority of the battles took place in the foothills leading up to Jerusalem.

Key Battles include:

166 BCE - Battle of Beth Horon

165 BCE - Battle of Emmaus

164 BCE - Battle of Beth Zur

164 BCE – Battle of Temple Mount and the rededication of the Temple, still celebrated today as Hanukkah.

162 BCE - Battle of Beth Zechariah; Eleazar Avaran dies in battle

161 BCE - Battle of Adasa

160 BCE - Battle of Elasa; Judah Maccabee dies in battle

160 BCE - John Gaddi is killed by the sons of Jambri from Medeba

142 BCE - Jonathan Apphus was executed by Diodotus Tryphon at Baskama, east of the Jordan

Mattathias died in battle somewhere in 166 BCE.

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166 BCE - Battle of Beth Horon

165 BCE - Battle of Emmaus

164 BCE - Battle of Beth Zur

164 BCE - Battle of Temple Mount, Jerusalem (Hanukkah Event)

162 BCE - Battle of Beth Zechariah; Eleazar Avaran dies

161 BCE - Battle of Adasa

160 BCE - Battle of Elasa; Judah Maccabee dies

160 BCE - John Gaddi is killed by the sons of Jambri from Medeba

142 BCE - Jonathan Apphus was executed by Diodotus Tryphon at Baskama, east of the Jordan

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