
Four of the five brothers fell in battle. Simon, the last brother of the priestly family took up the position of High Priest and continued the battles against Greece. King Demetrius II and Simon finally agreed to a peace treaty in the year 141 BCE. But the Acra still stood, defiantly eclipsing Temple Mount. Simon finally got the upper hand over the wicked stronghold after a long besiegement. It took him another three years to raze the Acra to the ground. The Seleucids finally withdrew sometime between 137-132 BCE.1 Maccabees 14:36“And in his (Simon’s) time, everything prospered in his hands, so that the heathen were expelled from their country, as well as those in the city of David, in Jerusalem, who had made a citadel for themselves…”

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1 Maccabees 14:36

“And in his (Simon’s) time, everything prospered in his hands, so that the heathen were expelled from their country, as well as those in the city of David, in Jerusalem, who had made a citadel for themselves…”

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