The Seleucids achieved a complete victory over the Ptolemaic army during the Battle of Panium, 200 BCE placing Israel under Seleucid rule

c. 200 BCE

After capturing Judea, the Seleucid King Antiochus III also known as Antiochus the Great was favourable towards the Jews.Josephus, Antiquities 12.3.3"But at length when Antiochus had beaten Ptolemy, he seized upon Judea...But afterward...the Jews, of their own accord, went over to him; and received him into the city [Jerusalem:] and gave plentiful provision....So he wrote to the generals of his armies, and to his friends; and gave testimony to the good behaviour of the Jews towards him; and informed them what rewards he had resolved to bestow on them for that their behaviour"Pictured here is a coin depicting Antiochus III who reigned from 223 - 187 BCE

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Josephus, Antiquities 12.3.3"But at length when Antiochus had beaten Ptolemy, he seized upon Judea...But afterward...the Jews, of their own accord, went over to him; and received him into the city [Jerusalem:] and gave plentiful provision....So he wrote to the generals of his armies, and to his friends; and gave testimony to the good behaviour of the Jews towards him; and informed them what rewards he had resolved to bestow on them for that their behaviour"

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